An Ultimate Guide to Juicing for Beginners

Juicing offers a myriad of health benefits to the human body. The way juicing is marketed worldwide sounds like a godsend but the benefits you reap are pretty much grounded. Today, many people are using ‘the juicing therapy’ to gain much-needed energy, lose extra pounds, and to improve their overall health. 

What is juicing?

The term juicing refers to simply ‘drinking your food.’ In reality, juicing signifies much more than that. It involves the process of extracting natural liquids from raw fruits and vegetables, which are loaded with vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and anti-inflammatory compounds.

Benefits to juicing

Although the benefits of juicing can be endless for your overall health, to sum them up, drinking freshly squeezed juices is the fastest, easiest, and most efficient way of putting vitamins and other healthy minerals into your body.

Fresh vegetables are loaded with nutrients in huge amounts that your body needs every day. When you squeeze them to extract juices and put them into your bloodstream, all cell and organs inside your body gain much-needed energy to perform uninterruptedly.

People agree with the fact that their bodies began to transform after they started juicing every day. The following are some key benefits of juicing that people have experienced over the years:

    • More energy
    • Glowing skin



    • Less joint pain
    • Thick and shiny nails & hair
    • Fewer headaches
    • Better sleep
    • Weight loss



  • Improved immunity
  • Alkaline body

How Juicing Works

When you squeeze fruits to extract juices, you break their cell walls that release all their nutrients into a liquid form. The liquids extracted are much easier and faster to digest by the body. Your body quickly receives all the nutrients, including vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, chlorophyll, and phytonutrients to utilize them throughout the day.

In short, the internal environment of your body completely changes when you consistently drink fresh, raw juices.

How to Buy a Juicer?

It can be difficult to consume enough vegetables and fruits in a day. If you perceive this as a challenge, it is worth investing in a high-quality appliance for your health. As no single machine can serve the real purpose, several types of juicers are available in the market.

Starting from fast-spinning centrifugal machines to slow-moving masticating or a cold-pressed juicing machine, you need to be sure about the purpose you need a juicer for. The following are some key features that you need to consider when buying a juicer:

  1. Price
  2. Nutrients
  3. Cleaning
  4. Noise
  5. Speed
  6. Size and Cord length

If you are clear about what you want out of a juicer, you will be able to narrow down your options. Above all, remember to buy the appliance only when you think you are going to drink juices every single day as a step towards a healthier life.


Juicing, over the years, has helped many people switch to a healthier lifestyle by spending just a small amount of money on buying a perfect juicer for their needs. Hoping this juicing guide is helpful to you all.