How to Have Healthy Sex in Marriage: 3 Sex Tips for Married Couples

Sex in a relationship can get boring after you’ve been married for several years (or decades). Just because you know your lover’s body inside and out doesn’t mean you have to resign yourself to a boring sex life forever. All you need is a little bit of ingenuity and desire to take things to the next level.

Keep reading to find our favorite sex tips for married couples.

1.   Set the Mood Throughout the Day

This is one of our most favorite sex and marriage tips because it’s just so darn practical. It’s hard to set the mood for sex if you’re away from your spouse the entire day. That’s why you should try getting into the frisky mindset during your workday so you both can’t wait to get home and tear each other’s clothes off.

Give your spouse a sensual kiss before you leave for work. Send them text messages throughout the day to let them know you’re thinking of them. If you’re on the wild side, don’t be afraid to get a little raunchy in your messages.

Send a sexy photo or text that details precisely what you want to do to your spouse when they get home. The anticipation will remind both of you of the courtship years of your relationship and ignite the fire that may have long since gone out.

2.  Don’t Be Afraid to Try Supplements

Sex is going to feel like the last thing on your mind if both of your libidos are diminishing. It’s nothing to be ashamed of; in fact, issues with arousal often come with age.

Studies show that men suffer from mild and moderate erectile dysfunction at 10% per decade of age. For example, 50% of men in their 50s will have issues with ED.

Female sexual dysfunction affects around 40% of women and is more common as they begin to age.

If you and your partner aren’t ever in the mood, some supplements can help.

Supplementing with Alpha Male Plus can help improve men’s sexual performance and issues with ED.

The Kangaroo Pill male enhancement supplement can give men with sexual dysfunction issues that needed stamina boost for longer and more satisfying sex.

Women can try maca root to address hormonal imbalances and increase sexual desire.

3.  Try Something New

Let’s face it; sex in marriage can get tedious after a while. You both already know each other’s signature moves, making sex like a chore instead of the intense bonding experience it should be.

If you’ve fallen into a rut, it’s time to try something new in the bedroom. Keep the lines of communication with your spouse open at all times as you discuss your deepest and wildest fantasies.

If you have always been curious about sex toys or bondage, it’s time to bring it up. You never know what your spouse’s sexual fantasies are unless you ask. Who knows, you might even share the same ones.

Put Our Sex Tips for Married Couples Into Action

Your sex life is sure to see a resurgence with our sex tips for married couples. Remember that everyone experiences highs and lows in their sexual drive and desire.

Keep reading our articles for more tips on living a healthier and more fulfilling life.