woman in sportswear doing deadlift exercise for glutes with resistance band

How to Do Resistance Band Deadlift with Proper Form

Are you interested in learning how to do a deadlift, but you are intimidated by a barbell or are a novice lifter?

Well, the good news is that you do not need a barbell to do a deadlift! The deadlift is known to be one of the best muscle and strength-building exercises out there, and you do not need to lift heavy weight to reap all of its many strength training benefits.

All you need for any resistance band workout is simple equipment and a little bit of space – you can easily pull this off in your home or even your office!

While having the right equipment and space is certainly helpful, what you need to benefit from a deadlift exercise is proper form and technique. Fortunately, we have got you covered.

Keep reading to learn how to do a resistance band deadlift with proper form.

Your Equipment

Hanging resistance band

Resistance bands look like giant elastic bands. They’re lightweight, portable, and offer a lot of versatility when it comes to muscle-building exercise. While you can use any kind of resistance band for a banded deadlift, it may be a good idea to invest in a strength band set so you can choose from different levels of resistance. This way you can increase the band tension if you want to challenge your muscles, or you can decrease the tension if you want to get in more reps.

Pull up resistance bands are perfect for resistance band deadlifts, so if you are thinking of adding deadlifts to your workout routine consider picking up a set with variable resistance.

How to Do Resistance Band Deadlift with Proper Form

You can do different versions of deadlifts with resistance bands. The conventional way is to stand on the resistance band and grab the two loops at either end when performing the deadlift. We will go through how to do this deadlift variation first.

Conventional Deadlift

  • Stand in the middle of the resistance band with your feet shoulder width apart. The band should be between the heel and arch of each foot, and your toes should be pointing forward.
  • Bend your knees and lean forward while moving your hips backward feeling a stretch in your hamstring muscles. Using an overhand grip, grab one end of the band in each hand. Your knuckles should be pointing away from you and hands at the sides of your body. Keep your chest up and your back straight. This is your starting position.
  • Take a deep breath, engage your core, and straighten your knees while pushing your glutes forward. Breathe out as you come to a fully extended, upright position, still holding the band.
  • Hold this position for a moment, engaging your abs and lats to help with balance and stability.
  • Slowly return to the starting position by bending at the hips and knees.
  • Repeat these movements for reps.

Sumo Deadlift

If you are looking for a variation on the conventional deadlift, try the sumo deadlift. This is also a good choice if you need to take some of the stress off of your lower back, as you are lifting more with your legs. It involves widening your stance and standing on the inside of the resistance band.

This version requires a looped resistance band or one that is otherwise tied in a knot.

  • This time, stand with your feet about two times your hip width apart. You should be standing on only one side of the band, with it looped around your feet. Point your toes out at about 45 degrees.
  • While keeping your shins straight, bend at the knees and lean forward while sinking your hips back. Try and go down until your hands get about halfway down your shins.
  • Reach straight down to grab the band between your legs, knuckles facing forward.
  • Inhale, engage your core, and exhale while you straighten your knees and bring your glutes forward. You should now be in the fully upright position, still holding the band.
  • Pause, and then slowly return to the starting position.

woman doing deadlift exercise for glutes with resistance band on gray background

Things to Keep in Mind When Doing Resistance Band Deadlifts

Do Not Lift with Your Arms

You do not need to pull the band up with your arms when performing a deadlift. You are just using your hands to hold the band, so keep your arms straight.

This is not necessarily a big issue when you are using resistance bands, but do not get into the habit of using your arms if you are planning on eventually switching to barbells. If you pull on the bar while doing a barbell deadlift, you could pop a bicep or cause other injuries due to the heaviness of the weight. Keep your form the same, regardless of whether you are using a resistance band or barbell.

Neutral Neck, Straight Back

When doing deadlifts, make sure your back is straight and your neck is in a neutral position. Everything should be in a straight line when you are completing your deadlifts, so pay close attention to your posture to ensure proper form. If you do not, you run the risk of hurting your neck or having other spinal injuries.

One tip for keeping your neck and back in place is to look at a point on the floor about six feet in front of you when you are doing your deadlifts. Maintain eye contact with this point throughout the entire movement.

Keep the Resistance Band Tight

Make sure there is no slack in your resistance band during the deadlifts, even when you are in the starting position. You will not necessarily ruin your form if there is slack in the band, but if you have tension throughout the entire movement then you will be working your muscles even harder. You want to get the most out of your workout, so check that tension level before performing a deadlift.

If you need a little bit of slack to get into the full upright position, then you should use a lighter resistance band until you can build up your muscle strength.

Ready for Some Deadlifts?

Break out some resistance bands and start working those muscles. Remember, you do not need a barbell or even a gym to do proper deadlifts – just the drive to do your workout.