How to Get into Ketosis in 24 Hours

How to Get into Ketosis in 24 Hours

Once you get started on a keto diet, the body exhausts its glycogen stores. Since you are not taking in a significant amount of carbohydrates, the body begins to convert stored fat into ketones for energy. It switches to a metabolic state called ketosis.

Being in ketosis offers numerous benefits, including faster weight loss and feeling energized. Ketosis has also been linked to reversing inflammation, reducing the effects of epilepsy and cancer treatment, lowering the risk of heart disease, and more.

Tips for Getting into Ketosis in 24 Hours

If you consistently adhere to a keto diet, your body should enter ketosis within three to seven days, in which it will solely rely on fats for energy. However, there are some things you can do to go into ketosis within 24hrs.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting combined with a ketogenic diet gets your body into ketosis faster. Fasting involves prolonging the time between the last meal of a given day and the next meal. This forces your body to use up any stored glycogen and then enters into the fat-burning phase for energy.

While some people prefer to skip breakfast or have it towards the midmorning or early afternoon, others opt to end their eating window early on in the day. For instance, you may have lunch as your last meal or have dinner before 6 p.m.

To get into ketosis faster, aim for at least a 12-hour intermittent fasting window. You may incorporate exclusive fasts, 24-72 hours, to speed up ketosis.

Drink Coffee

Caffeine helps with boosting your metabolism. It also offers you the energy to take you through the day, especially if you are fasting or working out.

Sugarless coffee is a zero-carb beverage option suitable for a ketogenic diet or during the fasting window. If coffee is not your favorite, you can try the caffeine pills in a recommended dose or tea as an alternative. Always consult with your doctor before adding any new supplements into your diet.

Workout Moderately

Doing a HIIT session will deplete the glycogen reserves in your body, causing it to go into fat-burning mode. However, doing long sessions of HIIT or other workouts will increase our body’s cortisol levels, which may slow down ketosis.

You can start with a 15-minute HIIT workout, then do light exercises such as slow jogging, walking, hiking, and any workout that does not involve increasing the heart rate exceptionally. Don’t worry; you will be able to resume higher-intensity workouts once your body has adapted to ketosis.

Getting into Ketosis in 24 Hours

Use MCT Oil

MCT oil is a medium-chain triglyceride that quickly transforms into energy and heads straight into the brain. MCT oil contains fats similar to those found in coconut oil, palm oil, and dairy products. This supplement increases the amount of body fat, promoting the production of ketones needed to keep you in ketosis.

Get Enough Sleep

When they say sleep will automatically kick you into a body fat-burning machine, they need to emphasize that you should be getting at least 7 hours of good sleep. If you are not getting enough sleep, even with a consistent ketogenic diet, your body may not be able to generate enough ketones.

Consume Enough Fats

To boost your ketone level and sustain high energy levels throughout the day, you should consume higher amounts of healthy fats. Aim to consume healthy fats to prevent the health risks associated with unhealthy fats such as increased bad cholesterol, obesity, and increased heart disease risk.

Fats are calorie-dense, so if you are keen to lose weight, ensure that your overall calorie consumption is below your basal metabolic rate (BMR).

Completely Cut Down on Your Carbohydrate Intake

The macronutrient distribution for a ketogenic diet says that 65 to 75% of your calories come from fats. Proteins should account for between 20 to 30%, and carbohydrates should provide only 5% of your daily energy intake.

Carbohydrates elevate insulin levels in the body which slows down or takes you out of ketosis. When aiming to get into ketosis faster, avoid carbohydrates and sugar. Stay away from alcohol, chocolates, sugar, starch, fruits, and starchy vegetables.

Drink a Lot of Water

Drinking water will help keep you hydrated, energized, and manage anger pangs, especially if you are fasting. It will also facilitate the digestion of fats and proteins to provide your body with sustainable energy and increase your ketone level.

Testing for Ketosis

A scientific and precise way of testing for ketosis is by using ketone strips. A ketone strip measures the ketone levels by analyzing urine samples at the onset of your keto diet and as you progress with the diet.

A high level of ketones in your urine is an indicator that you have achieved ketosis. You can purchase ketone strips over the counter at a pharmacy.

How to Maintain Ketosis

Once you get into ketosis, it is important to continue with the above steps to maintain ketosis. However, you can increase your carbohydrate intake as long as it is within the recommended range for a ketogenic diet. You can also reduce your fasting window.

Are There Risks Associated with Getting into Ketosis Fast?

The keto flu is a common side effect of going into ketosis. It is characterized by symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, cough, nausea, sniffles, and mood swings. You feel like you have a type of flu as your body adapts to the ketosis fast.

Insufficient consumption of minerals and electrolytes can make keto flu symptoms worse. Therefore, you must increase their intake. For instance, you can add low levels of sodium or pink salt to your drinking water or meals.

Also, incorporate leafy, green vegetables into your meals as they are rich in nutrients and minerals yet low in carbohydrates. The good news is that once your body adjusts to the keto diet, the flu will disappear.


Consuming a low carb, high-fat diet within the macro recommendations for a keto diet gets you into ketosis within a few days.

However, you can quicken the process using the tips provided above. Ensure you drink plenty of water and consume the right amount of minerals and electrolytes to prevent or manage keto flu symptoms.